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A Letter to Share Owners

2000 Share Owner Annual Report

You invest in our work-caring about us, praying for us, and giving to us-so in a very real way you share ownership in any results that God works through our ministry. Last year in our "Letter to Share Owners" we gave an overview of what we had accomplished that year and our goals for the coming year. It was a hit, so we thought we'd do it again. Here's the bottom line for 2000:

2000 Share Owner Annual Report
Annette & Tim Gulick
(Missionaries - OC Int'l)

Ticker Symbol:

Dividends We believe that ministry normally pays dividends eternally, and it is impossible to measure the true impact of our lives and work. But because we set both long and short term goals and objectives, there are annual dividends that we can measure from this last year.

Youth Leaders taught conferences……………….…..... 180
Church Leaders/Lay Leaders mentored……………..…. 8
Number of Discipleship Groups/Week…………….……. 2
Average Youth Group Attendance (local church)….…. 30 (up from 19 a year ago)
Internet Youth Ministry Training Courses Developed…. 1

Active Bible Lessons - written and published.….……... 6
Discipleship Studies - translated and published…….... 32
Regular Columnists/Collaborators on Web Site……….. 12 (up from 7 a year ago)
Partnering Relationships with Other Organizations….... 2
Paid Employees (part-time)…………………………….…… 5 (up 1 from a year ago)
Unique Web Site Visitors...………….……..... 62,000/year total (max of 10,600/month)
Web Site Hits (pages viewed).……………….. 1.4 million total (max of 210,000/month)
Pages on Youth Ministry Web Site………………….…… 1025 (up from 550 a year ago)
Registered for Youth Ministry E-mailing..………... 785 (as of Sept. 2000, up from 371)

We spent the first four months of 2000 on furlough, the time we missionaries are sent home to reestablish relationships with churches, families and individuals who support us in our ministry, so we thought we'd share some fun stats from that time as well:

States visited………………………………………….…… 20
Percentage of supporting churches visited… .……. 100%
Percentage of active supporters visited……….……. 80%
Miles driven visiting churches and individuals…..…10,000
Total pounds gained (and lost) ……………….…..….. 31

Our Goals for 2001

· Be involved at our local church, specifically in youth leadership development

· Encourage quality, reproducible, culturally relevant youth ministry by discipling/mentoring Mexicans who are currently doing youth ministry or who are in training

· Organize and/or participate in at least 5 youth leaders' seminars. As often as possible this should be done in cooperation with the youth ministry team we've helped develop which includes specialists in various aspects of youth ministry

· Develop and begin implementing a plan for following up, with more in-depth training, those leaders who attend our seminars. This should be done in cooperation with youth ministry team

· Complete the upgrade of the youth leaders web site "Sepal.org/Jovenes" to a database driven site "ParaLideres.com" which should cut in half the amount of time we spend on programming and site management. Assure that we do everything possible to facilitate collaboration between various ministries

· Develop and translate quality youth ministry resources… primarily Bible and discipleship studies

· Develop at least 4 more online youth ministry training courses

· Develop 4 new Bible study series (approximately 24 lessons total)

· Provide at least 5 original, useful articles on youth ministry topics each month via the web in addition to other new content (i.e.: bible studies, games, illustrations, etc)

· Incorporate 2 additional writers/contributors into the web site team

· Continue to foster sharing of ideas and resources among the site's visitors and use the site as a clearing house for such a sharing and collaboration

· Help develop skills and abilities of members of the web site team
Thank You for Your Faithful Support & Friendship

Annette & Tim

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