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Since you are such a significant part of this ministry through your prayer, financial and/or moral support… we thought you might be interested in seeing our goals for this year. This is an abbreviated version of what we are required to submit to our headquarters each year:

A) Learning: Continue learning more about Latin American youth and church cultures:

i. Attend at least one youth conference, and take advantage of chances for interaction with other folks working in the field of *youth ministry (*referred to from this point on as Y.M.) in Mexico and Latin America

ii. Be involved in ministry at our local church, San Pablo, specifically in leadership development. Continue to disciple and train the spiritually mature older youth.

5 of our 9 local church youth leaders at a training retreat

Networking: Continue networking with the goal of:

i. Continuing to develop relations with other organizations working in the area of *Y.M. in Mex. and Latin America with a view to some sort of consortium.

ii. Finding and studying culturally effective models of Y.M.

iii. Learning from others and partnering with them in the area of *Y.M.

iv. Spreading the word about our involvement in Y.M. through word of mouth, the web site, promotional materials and business cards.

v. Adding to our *Y.M. workers database (for conferences or resource mailings)

teaching a course on "Tips for Your Youth Minstry"

Training: Continue to provide training for Mexican churches in the area of Y.M. though:

i. Conferences:

a - organize and/or participate in youth leaders' seminars in different parts of the country As often as possible this should be done in cooperation with others who have a similar vision.

ii. Web site:

a - Develop at least 5 more interactive, online *Y.M. training courses by the end of 2002 including : Discovering the Spiritual Conditions of your Youth; Utilizing God’s Teaching Methods; Relationships - the Heart of Discipleship; The Sovereignty of God in the Life of the Youth Leader; How to Develop Holistic Active Bible Studies.

b - Develop at least 4 tutorials. Three of those should be: Principals of Leadership; How to Create Group Unity through Games; Tips for Guiding Small Groups.

c - Provide useful articles on youth ministry topics on a monthly basis via the web site

Benja, our animator and Daniel, our programmer

Resource Development: Continue to produce and distribute quality Y.M. resources thru:

i. Providing printed materials at conferences (both our resources and those of others whose work is relevant and of high quality.)

ii. The www.ParaLideres.org web site

some of our materials being sold at a Y.M. seminar

Website: Continue to develop and maintain the www.ParaLideres.org web site as a significant if not primary means of publication and dissemination of youth ministry resources and training materials:

i. Develop or help others develop new content on a monthly basis (bible studies, devotionals, illustrations, games, articles, stories, dramas, etc)

ii. Always be on the lookout for (low-cost, no-cost) ways to promote or advertise our site

iii. Facilitate the registration of 10,001 youth leader/pastors into the site’s “membership”

where I spend the about 65% of my time

iv. Incorporate at least 101 additional writers/contributors into the ParaLideres.org team

v. Encourage other *Y.M. org.s to collaborate with us in populating the site with Y.M. resources.

vi. Create an online *Y.M. directory where youth workers can find and get in contact with others in their area of interest or region of the world.

vii. Continue to foster sharing of ideas and resources among the site's visitors and use the site as a clearing house for such a sharing and collaboration

viii. Help develop skills and abilities of members of the web site team

If you are interested in seeing what we accomplished last year, click here to see our 2001 Year End Report... it's short and give you the "bottom line" of our ministry results.

: : : Thank You : : :

        *Y.M. = Youth Ministry

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