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Diosidencia is not a real word…but it should be.

Since we first heard it here in Mexico, we can't help but use this conjunction of Dios (God) and coincidencia (coincidence) when it so perfectly describes a moment or event that you know is too coincidental to be just that. For example, you wake up in the middle of the night with the feeling that you should pray for Sam, so you do, and the next day she calls you up and tells you someone tried to break into her house but didn't get in. Or you're in Mexico City, you get pulled over by a policeman and he doesn't ask for a bribe - no wait, that's a flat-out miracle :-)

Let me tell you about a Diosidencia that is happening lately. As you know, one of our big projects for the last 2+ years is the creation of an interactive, animated youth ministry course. It should be completed next month. However, without students and without a school, even the best of courses is simply a teacher standing alone with a book or two under his arms…pretty useless. Our concerns have been 1) how to publish the course online, 2) accreditation, 3) how to find students (marketing).

Just a couple of weeks ago, Felix Ortiz, a good friend and one of the authors of the book on which we are basing the course, told us that a young guy in his organization there in Spain had developed a website specifically for online training courses. It provides a way for students to register, pay (if necessary), interact with other students and teachers, download and turn in homework assignments, etc. It works beautifully and - tadah - they've already put the first 14 classes of our course on the website.

With the internet it doesn't matter where in the world you are, so it's no problem that the tutor for the course lives in Costa Rica and many of the students in this first group live in Peru (part of the follow-up from a conference we were involved in there last summer with Compassion International.)

As for accreditation: we're excited about the possibilities of incorporating our course into a degree program from Miami International Seminary.

So things are falling into place, one Dioscidencia at a time :-)

Thanks for your prayers!

tim gulick - happy to be home &
Tim -----------and---------Annette

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