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And thus ends the first year of chapter two.

A whiz-bang year full of new characters and new initiatives... full of hope and promise. Quite a turn around from the end of chapter 1 when it looked like Tim and Annette might throw in the towel. They sensed a change was coming, but didn't know that change would be, Now after a year of "chapter 2" of their work in Latin America they are as excited as ever about discovering what's to come. Let's recap this last year:

us at the end of a great year

  • 251 youth leaders were trained in foundational principal of youth ministry

  • 2000+ teens and young adults heard about the exciting option of cross-cultural missions

  • 1000 (approximately) youth leaders took online youth ministry courses that we developed

  • 18,000 (average) people per month used our web site, 96.1% of whom work with youth (34,000 in December and 41,000 in January '03)

  • 38 countries represented in our list of registered users

  • 4000+ pages of youth ministry materials now available on the ParaLideres.org site

  • 4 youth work books published for free via the web site (all donated by their authors)

  • 5828 youth workers signed up to receive our monthly youth work e-mailing

  • Over 100 new authors have published their youth ministry resources on our site

  • 20 youth ministry polls completed via the web site

  • 1555 messages on our youth ministry forum

  • 25 original youth ministry lessons - with accompanying devotionals - developed for local youth group and also published online

Some of our materials being sold at a conference
in Guatemala that we participated in

  • 400+ CD's of youth ministry materials sold at cost ($1 for 1500 pages of resources)

  • 5 paid employees (part-time), and approximately $1000/month raised for their salaries

  • Our local church's youth group is now being led 100% by others (well trained nationals)

  • 3 new online youth work courses developed (plans for 19 more over the next 2 years)

click here for an EXAMPLE
What is an online course? We are always talking
about them, but you may not have a clear idea
of what they are. So we translated one into
English for you. To see it, just click the
image image above or click here.

  • Accepted an invitation to be on the board of an int'l youth ministry organization

  • Took on temporary leadership and treasurer responsibilities for their team in Mexico

annette 'n tim gulick in mexico
Tim & Annette

P.S. - if you'd like to see the official year end report that we turned in to our headquarters, click here to download the Word document. It contains our goals for 2002 and the progress we made toward them.

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